In an attempt to try out some new antenna systems I thought I would venture out to Park Lake to activate it. I selected the Chameleon Delta Loop and the Elecraft KX2 for this activation. Its the first time I’ve used the Elecraft and I was very pleased with its performance.
I had some issues with one of the telescoping whip’s which didn’t allow for full extension but Chameleon graciously sent me a replacement. Amazing customer service, its easy to see why so many people enjoy their antennas.
The activation itself was my longest to date at over 2 hours to make the 10 contacts required for activation. The majority of the contacts were made on 20 with once contact coming on 40. Midway through I converted the delta loop into a vertical to see if some NVIS was possible and I believe that allowed for the KJ7LLS Sota contact. The delta loop is a very versatile piece of gear. I added a counterpoise but didn’t notice any significant difference.
Below is the propagation map with contacts via HAMRS: