The CHA F-LOOP 3.0 is a newly updated portable antenna that is designed with portability, ease of use, simplicity, ruggedness, and high performance in mind. This antenna is made with premium materials that are precisely manufactured and assembled in the USA. I have many chameleon products and they are all built amazingly well.
This antenna is a magnetic loop antenna that is designed for portable operation, and it can be easily set up and taken down in the field. I often deploy this in the winter when the ground is frozen. Magnetic loops are designed to emphasize the magnetic part of the radio wave, providing immunity from interference outside the bandpass and this works incredibly well.

It works best when accompanied by an antenna tuner to dial in the frequency as nobody wants to be messing about trying to tune a magnetic loop in the cold. This antenna has a high Q resonance of around 17 kHz on 40 meters. The F-Loop has a wide frequency range, covering from 80-10Meters and is relatively easy to tune, with a built-in variable capacitor that allows for quick and precise matching. I highly recommend this type of antenna, they also work very well for those of you who want something quick to put up and take down in an apartment or HOA environment. I prefer to use mine from the field but I have even set it up in my living room with good success.
I highly recommend their products if you can get past the price. I know HAM’s love to be economical and antennas can be the last place some want to invest, especially after purchasing a new radio, however, this is likely the area the can always use the biggest investment in my opinion.
73, Tyler Kacsor