Tag Paktenna

Great Conditions on 20M


VE-1187 is a beautiful park located just outside of Lethbridge, Alberta. It’s a great spot for operating QRP (low-power amateur radio). Today, January 7, 2023 I had the pleasure of activating the park and making a few contacts on the…

Park Lake Feb 12 & 13

Moose and I went out to Park Lake VE-1187 on the 12th and 13th to activate the parks in the warmer weather. The conditions were good and we were able to make 50 contacts over the two days. The antenna…

Park Lake Feb 6, 2022

It was a warm afternoon thanks to the recent chinook that moved in. In typical fashion it brought a lot of wind which made me think about what antenna system to deploy. I recently acquired a Paktenna end fed half…